20 in 20

I’m not one for bucket lists, but I am totally about doing fun things that I’ve always wanted to do. So why not do it in my first year of being an ex-teenager? Throughout the year, I’ll be completing these and writing posts on them.

  1. complete a color run
  2. visit a state i’ve never been to (preferably maine)
  3. climb/hike up a mountain
  4. try crossfit
  5. attend a professional sporting event
  6. be a part of a flashmob
  7. watch the sunrise
  8. read 20 new books
  9. go on a picnic
  10. hold a snake
  11. indoor skydive
  12. stand under a waterfall
  13. go spelunking
  14. see a movie by myself
  15. surprise someone
  16. attend a unique small-town festival
  17. apply to be on a reality show
  18. see the northern lights
  19. go to a music festival
  20. shoot a gun
  21. celebrate my twenty-first birthday!


It’s always easier to remember the bad things that have happened to you instead of the good. I always have a hard time remembering the positive things that have happened to me, and and even harder time letting go of the bad things. So I’m making a list of blessings for this week:

  • i got to talk with my best friend from high school for a little bit
  • spent time with my friends at Ball State’s carnival (and ate a funnel cake)
  • went to my sorority’s formal!
  • BSUDM won Ball State’s “Student Organization of the Year
  • went to talk with my first HS advisor for my director position on Dance Marathon
  • celebrated NATIONAL GRILLED CHEESE DAY (what a time to be alive)
  • someone told me that I reminded them of Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec (CASUAL)
  • laughed and smiled a lot

Things will not always go my way, and there’s nothing I can do about that. There will always be factors that I cannot control. The factor that I can control is my own happiness. “You are the captain of your own ship.” Choose happiness 🙂


Today, I decided not to focus on a verse but instead on a prayer. The serenity prayer is one I always find myself wanting to say, but not knowing the words to.


Ever since I’ve started blogging again (not even a week yet) I’ve been focusing on using scripture to better myself and improve my outlook on life, and to be honest I have been genuinely happy.  However, there are always setbacks and situations that stand in the way of my happiness. Things don’t fall into place, my idea of “perfection” doesn’t happen according to plan, etc. To put it simply: setbacks happen. Things usually don’t just fall into place, and that is something I struggle with.

This prayer really puts things into perspective for me. When talking on the phone with my Dad yesterday, he said that I didn’t have the courage or patience to change things. When I remember this prayer I remember to accept the things that I cannot change and to let God take care of situations!

proverbs 4:23

“Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”


I really had to reflect on these words today; there have been so many things weighing on my heart recently. After a phone call with my Dad I realized that I want so many things to happen, but not enough patience to wait it out and let things happen to me. In my never-ending quest for perfectionism, I lose sight of what is really best for me.Today, this verse helped me realize that the only thing I should be worrying about is my relationship with Jesus. From that, everything else that I do will fall into place. He knows the path for us and will not lead us astray as long as we follow him.

We as humans (and me particularly) have a hard time letting go and letting God have a presence in our lives.

matthew 6: 33-34

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” This verse talks about how Christ will always sustain us. Why should we worry about tomorrow, when we should be focused on the present? Our Heavenly Father sustains birds that do not sow or reap; we need to have the faith that Jesus will sustain us. 

This was one of the verses my Mother always used to remind me of when I was worrying. My Mother passed away when I was 13; she fought breast cancer and multiple infections she contracted while staying in a hospital. Through all of this, she never worried because she had faith. Her faith was what sustained her; I can’t think of a time where my Mom did not have a positive attitude.

In my own life, I try to take into consideration what my Mom would do. She wouldn’t worry, she would be brave, and would have a positive attitude.

for what i want, i can wait

I’ve recently changed my blog URL to this image that I found while browsing Pinterest. I’m trying to take this blog in another direction than the one I started this blog with. Many things have changed in my life, and I feel like my blog needed to get with the times! I was running URL ideas past my friend McKinsey (most of which were taken of course), but this one thankfully wasn’t. In my earlier posts, you may have noticed how I always feel like I need to be one step ahead of the game. But I’ve recently realized, that good things take time. Jesus has a plan for everyone, and I need to rest on the fact that he has a perfect plan for me! So for what I want, I can wait. 

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Side note – hope you enjoy my blog!

psalm 139

I got the idea yesterday from a friend to start writing a bible verse on my wrist. Everyday you write a verse that you want to keep on your mind. Starting now, I’m going to try to post a reflection on my daily verse here to keep it on my heart. The verse I chose today was Psalm 139:23-24. It reads, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”


I struggle with the fear of the unknown. I worry constantly about what tomorrow may bring, or what my future may look like. Ask my friends: they’re always surprised when I’m not worried about a certain situation. This fear of the unknown and worry stems from my longing for perfection. For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with the search for perfection. I feel like if I can be that perfect person then more people will like me, etc.

In reality, the only perfect person in this world is Jesus. Why worry about how perfect we need to be, when we cannot compare to the perfection that surrounds Him? He knows our innermost thoughts and what we struggle with and leads us on the path of righteousness.

“be intentional”

these words have been following me throughout the year. as a resident assistant, I am supposed to my intentional with interactions with my residents. but that got me thinking… shouldn’t we ALL be intentional with our interactions with everyone?! in order to be friends with someone, you must be purposeful with your actions. friends need to know that they are cared for and respected. they need reassurance. your actions with everyone must be purposeful in order to be successful. I try to keep this in my mind everyday. people need people. i challenge everyone reading this to be more intentional in their relationships.


blessings | thanksgiving edition

I still have 15 minutes left of thanksgiving so i want to jot down what i’m thankful for:

  • pizza (always pizza)
  • dance marathon (so blessed to be a part of making the world a little better – one kid at a time)
  • playing games with my family (i love being able to be silly — you would love it too if your grandma played charades)
  • family time (even though we bicker all the time)
  • friends
  • faith
  • rudolph (the claymation one – duh.)
  • the stuffed animal rudolph gang i found at Target (it’s a long story – but it reminds me of my momma)
  • this heater that my dad brought in my room
  • fuzzy socks
  • children (the world would be a whole let better if we saw it through a child’s eye)
  • puppies
  • cheese
  • tina fey / amy poehler / BEYONCE (duh.)

In all honestly, there are so many more things i’m thankful for. We should strive to be thankful everyday and not just during the holiday season. There are so many things that we need to be thankful for every minute of every day. Remember that.


I am so extremely blessed for so many reasons.

In the last month I have joined a sorority and have felt an immense amount of love from my new sisters. They daily show how much they truly care about me.

In the last month I have taken on more responsibility in my student organization. I care so deeply about Dance Marathon, which is an event that raises money and awareness for Riley Hospital for Children. Whenever I think about how stressed I am with the work that goes into it, I realize my stress is a fraction of that which so many children feel everyday of their lives. I am extremely humbled every time I get to work with them.

In the past month I have my myself 100x busier with my sorority and my student organization on top of being a Resident Assistant. Sometimes it can be stressful but I rely on my friends, family and faith to pull me through.